July 16, 2011

Heat-Beating Tips

If possible, stay out of the sun. When in the sun, wear sunscreen (at least SPF 15) and a hat to protect your face and head.

Use an air conditioner if you have one. Set the thermostat no lower than 78º F.

If you do not have an air conditioner, keep rooms well-ventilated with open windows and fans. Consider going to a public pool, air-conditioned store, mall, movie theater or cooling center. 

Fans work best at night, when they can bring in cooler air from outside.

Make an effort to check on your neighbors during a heat wave, especially if they are people with special needs. Many older people live alone and could suffer unnecessarily in the heat because they are isolated.

Seniors and others who may be sensitive to extreme heat should contact friends, neighbors or relatives at least twice a day during a heat wave.

Drink fluids – particularly water – even if you do not feel thirsty. Avoid beverages containing alcohol, caffeine or high amounts of sugar.

Wear lightweight, light-colored, loose clothing that covers as much of your skin as possible.

Never leave children, pets or those who require special care in a parked car during periods of intense summer heat.

Avoid strenuous activity, especially during the sun’s peak hours – 11 am to 4 pm. 
If you must engage in strenuous activity, do it during the coolest part of the day, usually in the morning between 4 am and 7 am.

Cool showers or baths may be helpful, but avoid extreme temperature changes. 
Never take a shower immediately after becoming overheated – extreme temperature changes may make you ill, nauseated or dizzy.

*People with heart, kidney or liver disease, or on fluid restricted diets should check with their doctors before increasing fluid intake.

1 comment:

  1. Great tips, Marg. But you've forgotten my favourite one. Eat ice-cream! It's National Ice-Cream Day as I write this, and so I'll share with you my favourite flavour: Sobey's Compliments/Sensations brand. Double Peanut Butter flavour. And yes, you guessed it. It's got chocolate! It's vanilla ice-cream with peanut butter wisps throughout, and the bonus is plenty of teeny Reeses pieces chocolate disks with peanut butter. Divine!
