October 20, 2010

Pan-Canadian Young Feminist Gathering

IWGS is working with the FemRev/ RebELLEs organizing committee for the upcoming Pan-Canadian Young Feminist Gathering to be held at UofW on May 20 to 23, 2011.

Contact Kim at IWGS at 786-9921 or iwgs@uwinnipeg.ca  
or Sarah K. at sk@femrev.org 

In November, young feminists will be holding 'consultas' to create content for the Gathering.  The Winnipeg consulta will be held on Sunday November 21.  There will be approximately 80-100 people attending the 'consulta' and we need to provide folks with food.  There is also a huge need for support on committees.

There are many ways to help: 
- Donate pens, scrap paper, office supplies, rolls of brown craft paper, flipchart paper, old art supplies, bus tickets (all ages). 
 - Buy or bake buns, bread, cookies and freeze to donate.  Please label with vegetarian/vegan/non-veg and if it is gluten or dairy free. 
- Donate tea bags, juice, cans of tomatoes, beans/chickpeas etc. for chili.
- Save some root veggies in a cool place to donate in May.
- Offer to help cook.
- Ask your local restaurant/coffee shop/corner store for a donation.
We can pick up office supplies/non-perishable food or you can drop them off to us.  
Perishables can be picked up on Nov 19 and 20. 

Have a great day.  How can you miss - you're in Winnipeg!

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